Global Dairy Platform is urging the sector stakeholders to support a public consultation initiative by the Dairy Sustainability Framework on reporting guidelines for six high-level indicator metrics.  The metrics were developed through a collaborative process with the University of Arkansas taking members through a structured development process.

Drafts of industry indicators and reporting guidelines were subject to extensive consultation with members, by which DSF received valuable feedback to develop industry indicators to the point they were ready for public consultation.

The consultation is also open to external stakeholders.  Members are encouraged to take part in the consultation exercise and share it among their networks.

The guidelines and the comments and questions section for external stakeholder consultation can be accessed by clicking here.

Public consultation will remain open until midnight on 30 March, at which point DSF will start to review the comments and make changes based on industry feedback.

The DSF focuses on 11 key sustainability criteria, identified as relevant to the dairy sector globally.  The framework outlines the high-level strategic intent that the dairy sector commits to working towards for each of the key categories of interest.

The DSF encourages individual groups, regions or organizations to develop different initiatives and programs on a local basis that work towards addressing the criteria and strategic intents of the framework.

Each Global Criteria will have a high-level indicator established on which the DSF will report on an aggregated basis for the global dairy value chain.

For more information, contact Brian Lindsay at:  ​

Public consultation on DSF

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