GDP Bulletin March / April 2024
Annual GDP/IMP Marketing Meeting Focuses on Global Dairy Narrative
GDP partnered with the International Milk Promotion Group (IMP) in April to bring together marketing and communications leaders from dozens of dairy companies and associations to discuss how best to influence the global narrative on Food and Agriculture and the important role that dairy plays from a nutrition, livelihoods and environmental perspective.
The meeting, which took place in Miami, Florida (US) from April 7-9, featured expert speakers from Edelman and Eat Well Global as well as panel discussions that featured representatives from Fonterra, Dairy Farmers of America, Arla Foods, Royal FrieslandCampina, CNIEL, the Danish Dairy Board, Dairy Australia, Dairy Management, Inc., and more.
GDP and IMP will work together to drive change in the global narrative for food and agriculture with the goal of enhancing the position of dairy as an essential part of a sustainable global food system. The Emirates Declaration on Sustainable Agriculture, Resilient Food Systems and Climate Action, signed at COP28 in December 2023 by 157 countries, acknowledges the need for access to safe, sufficient, affordable, and nutritious food and the vital socioeconomic role of agriculture across the world. With that in mind, this is an ideal time for the dairy sector to engage with key leaders globally on the food/agriculture/dairy narrative.

GHG Accounting Task Force Tackles Insets, Mass Balance Issues
Pathways to Dairy Net Zero (P2DNZ) has developed the GHG Accounting Task Force, which is providing vital insight for dairy sector colleagues who are reviewing the GHG Protocol’s Land Sector and Removals Guidance (LSRG). During the last several months, the member-driven Task Force has reviewed components of the LSRG in the context of a diverse dairy sector with unique needs and provided robust input to the GHG Protocol consultation process.
There are several workstreams in process/planned, including Mass Balance/Sourcing Region, MRV Safeguarding, Land Carbon Losses/Carbon Opportunity Cost, and Biogas production and how this is addressed by the guidance.
GDP is now initiating a work program, in collaboration with SAI Platform, with the ambition to develop a standardized protocol for insetting so that actors along the dairy value chain adopt the same methodology (that will be developed in this workstream), thus increasing the efficiency of the reporting process within value chains.
To learn more, please visit the task force’s new webpage.

GDP Showcases Nutritional Science Experts, Insights
A GDP webinar in April and Perspective Paper in February featured preeminent nutrition scientists who provided insights on the latest dairy-related research for GDP members and others.
Dr. Connie Weaver, a distinguished research professor at San Diego State University, presented “The Dairy Matrix: Is the Whole Great than the Sum of its Parts?” during the quarterly webinar series on April 15 that was hosted by GDP Chief Science Officer Dr. Beth Bradley. Dr. Weaver discussed research around the dairy matrix, which is the multitude of reactions that occur between nutrients and other compounds in dairy foods, and the impact of processing on the nutritional/biological effects of dairy products. She focused on what is known about the dairy matrix, what isn’t, and what research we may consider to further advance our knowledge on this emerging area of investigation.
In its February Perspective Paper, GDP interviewed Dr. Alice Stanton, a professor at the School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Science, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. In the Q&A, she discussed why diets recommended by the Global Burden of Disease Risk Factor Collaborators, the EAT-Lancet Commission on Food, Planet and Health, and several others underestimate the importance of animal-sourced foods, including dairy. In recent years, she and several colleagues have been critical of data and assumptions used in publications that promote the premise that we must produce and consume far fewer animal-sourced foods if we are to improve the health of people and the planet.
GDP will produce Perspective Papers throughout the year; the latest one was released in late April, discussing why dairy is more sustainable than alternative plant beverages. The next webinar will take place in June; look for an announcement soon.

New Members Join GDP Board, Operational Committee
In the last few months, there have been a few changes on the Global Dairy Platform Board of Directors and Operational Committee (OC).
Mr. Jay Waldvogel, who retired as Senior Vice President of Strategy and International Development from Dairy Farmers of America at the end of 2023, also ended his long and dedicated service to the Board and OC. He has been replaced by Mr. Michael Lichte, DFA’s Chief Insights and Optimization Officer, who attended the OC meeting in Auckland, New Zealand, in February 2024.
Mr. Marchel Gorselink, Global R&D Director at Royal FrieslandCampina, also recently became a new member of the Board and OC, replacing Dr. Margrethe Jonkman, former Corporate Director Research & Development at Royal FrieslandCampina.
Mr. Kaoru Koide, Senior Advisor, Meiji Holdings Co. Limited, and Tim Leviny, Senior Vice President, Land O’Lakes, both participated in their final OC meeting in February. They will be replaced on the OC by Mr. Hideki Morita, Executive Officer at Meiji, and Ms. Heather Anfang, President, Dairy Foods and EVP at Land O’Lakes, respectively.
GDP wishes to welcome the new Board & OC members and to acknowledge and thank those who are retiring from the group for their valued service.

Important Dates for the Dairy Diary
October 14
GDP Annual Meeting
October 14
DSF Annual Meeting
October 16-17
November 11-24
Baku, Azerbaijan
Baku, Azerbaijan
Dairy Sector – A Snapshot

1 billion people strong

600 million people living on farms

400 million additional people are supported by the full time jobs that are created in support of dairy farming

240 million people are employed, directly or indirectly, in the dairy sector

133 million dairy farms