GDP Bulletin July / August 2021
Pathways to Dairy Net Zero Climate Initiative Announced
A first-of-its-kind Pathways to Dairy Net Zero initiative is being developed to accelerate climate change action throughout the global dairy sector. Announced on Monday, July 26, 2021, at the United Nations (UN) Food Systems Pre-Summit, the climate effort will be unlike any other in agriculture in terms of size, breadth, and scope.
“The global dairy sector is creating this ground-breaking initiative to help speed climate action already underway, while continuing to provide livelihoods for a billion people and important nutrition for six billion people,” said Donald Moore, Executive Director at the Global Dairy Platform (GDP).
A multi-stakeholder group of organizations, including the global dairy sector and representatives from the scientific and research communities, are working together to develop methodologies, tools and pathways that work for every dairy system.
Those organizations include GDP, International Dairy Federation, Sustainable Agriculture Initiative Platform, International Livestock Research Institute, Dairy Sustainability Framework and IFCN Dairy Research Network. The Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases is a knowledge partner.
Pathways to Dairy Net Zero was the subject of an affiliated session at the Pre-Summit. The event, hosted by the governments of Uruguay, New Zealand, Kenya and Costa Rica, provided an overview of the climate effort and explored how the global dairy sector is reducing its impact on the planet, while providing nutritional security and supporting strong, resilient, enduring economies.
For a recording of the session:
The initiative will officially launch during the UN Food Systems Summit in September and aims to generate commitments at the UN Climate Change Conference, COP26, in November.
For more information about Pathways to Dairy Net Zero:
Dairy Well Represented at 2021 UN Food Systems Pre-Summit
The UN Food Systems Pre-Summit was held July 26-28, 2021, and GDP was actively involved to help ensure dairy’s voice was heard throughout the process.
Mr. Piercristiano Brazzale, International Dairy Federation (IDF) President and GDP Board Member, was one of only 10 private sector representatives selected to attend the event in person.
In addition to the affiliated session on Pathways to Dairy Net Zero, GDP helped organize a session on protein quality during the Science Days program. The event featured three protein nutrition experts who spoke to the importance of protein quality in healthy sustainable diets.
For more information about the protein session:
In response to concerns about the treatment of livestock-derived foods during the summit, GDP and seven other international livestock associations (including IDF), have entered into discussions with a group of countries to establish a “Livestock Coalition” to work together during the summit and beyond to ensure the benefits of livestock are understood and recognized at the governmental and intergovernmental levels.
For questions or more information:
World Milk Day 2021 Most Successful Yet
Thanks to strong support from throughout the global dairy sector, World Milk Day 2021 was the most successful yet. More than 100 countries around the world participated, helping to grow reach and impact well beyond previous levels.
Activities started with the Enjoy Dairy Rally May 29-31, culminating in World Milk Day on June 1. The Enjoy Dairy Rally, focusing on the themes of Nutrition, Community and Enjoyment, was held for the third consecutive year and helped create a four-day promotional campaign for the sector.
This year’s theme focused on sustainability, which showcased dairy’s commitment to innovation in reducing the sector’s environmental footprint. A wide variety of farmer videos from across the globe demonstrated how the sector is embracing technology to help create a sustainable future for dairy.
For questions or more information:
Dairy Sector – A Snapshot

1 billion people strong

600 million people living on farms

400 million additional people are supported by the full time jobs that are created in support of dairy farming

240 million people are employed, directly or indirectly, in the dairy sector

133 million dairy farms

37 million farms led by women, 80 million women employed in dairying
Important Dates for the Dairy Diary
September (TBD)
UN Food Systems
New York City
New York City
November 17
GDP Annual Meeting