GDP Bulletin November 2019
More than 300 Participants from 33 Countries Attend First GASL MSP Meeting held in US
The 9th Annual Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock (GASL) Multi-Stakeholder Partnership (MSP) Meeting was held 9-12 September 2019 at Kansas State University in Manhattan, KS. This year’s meeting, themed “Innovation for Sustainable Livestock Systems,” marked the first time it has been held at an academic institution and was also the first time the United States has hosted the event.
The meeting, which included presentations, panels, posters, field tours and discussion, highlighted examples from throughout the world on innovative solutions to address sustainable livestock production and agrifood systems. Attendees represented the livestock industry, agricultural research, global non-governmental organizations, social movements and several governments. Sponsors included Global Dairy Platform (GDP), the Innovation Center for US Dairy, the US Department of Agriculture, Elanco and DSM, among others.
Next year the 10th MSP Meeting will be held 15-19 June in Delémont, Switzerland. GASL is a partnership of livestock stakeholders committed to the sustainable development of the sector. It builds consensus on the path towards sustainability and catalyzes coherent and collective practice change through dialogue, consultation and joint analysis.
For presentations, photos and live stream videos from the event:

For a summary of the meeting:
November is Livestock Month
In recognition of US Agency for International Development (USAID) and Agrilinks designating November as Livestock Month, GDP was requested to develop two blogs about dairy’s role in improving the health of our planet and in creating a sustainable world for everyone.
The first is about how dairy can help solve SDG1 – Poverty Reduction and SDG2 – Zero Hunger, and can be found here:
The second, to be published later this month, focuses on how the dairy sector is reducing GHG emissions intensity across the globe.
USAID leads the US government’s international development and humanitarian efforts. Agrilinks, part of the US government’s Feed the Future initiative that addresses the root causes of hunger, poverty and undernutrition, is an online hub where agriculture, food security and development professionals connect, share and learn.
World’s Largest Climate Summit Being Moved from Santiago to Madrid
Due to civil unrest and rioting over social and economic inequality, the Chilean government has elected not to host the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 25) in Santiago. Instead, the meeting, which is the world’s largest climate summit, will be held in Madrid on the same dates as originally planned (2 to 13 December 2019).
The meeting typically draws nearly 20,000 participants and is where many major international climate change decisions are made.
The summit will assess progress in dealing with climate change, explore new solutions and frameworks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and determine how to mitigate the effects of climate change.
GDP is planning to attend and present at the summit in order to ensure that the global dairy sector’s perspectives are represented in the discussions and decisions.
Dairy Sector – A Snapshot

1 billion people strong

600 million people living on farms

400 million additional people are supported by the full time jobs that are created in support of dairy farming

240 million people are employed, directly or indirectly, in the dairy sector

133 million dairy farms

37 million farms led by women, 80 million women employed in dairying
Important Dates for the Dairy Diary
May 4 – 5