GDP Bulletin November / December 2021
GDP Ensures Dairy Sector’s
Voice is Heard at COP26
Voice is Heard at COP26
The global dairy sector was very active during the world’s largest climate conference, COP26, 31 October – 12 November 2021. GDP had two representatives there in person, and Pathways to Dairy Net Zero (P2DNZ) was featured at a variety of events throughout the conference, including:
“Creating an evidence-base for supporting low-emission and resilient livestock development” was held 3 November 2021 at the International Fund for Agricultural Development pavilion. Donald Moore shared details about the Dairy Sustainability Framework and linkages to P2DNZ.
Event recording:
“Raising Ambitions on Climate Change Action in the Global Dairy Sector to Achieve the Paris Agreement,” co-hosted with the Republic of Uruguay, was held 4 November 2021. The event included FAO Director-General QU Dongyu; Uruguay Minister of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries Fernando Mattos; U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack; and Royal FrieslandCampina CEO Hein Schumacher, among others.
Event recording:
“Pathways to Dairy Net Zero, a Ground-Breaking Climate Initiative for Agriculture,” was held 8 November 2021, and was part of the International Chamber of Commerce Make Climate Action Everyone’s Business Forum (November 1-12).
Event recording:
In addition, two new P2DNZ videos were unveiled during COP26, including:
- Global dairy sector CEOs rising to meet the climate challenge.
- Dairy climate champions from around the world.
Thank you to these dairy leaders and organizations for being early adopters and supporters of P2DNZ. If you haven’t already, please sign on to support the new climate initiative.
Learn more:
Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture
Reaches Positive Conclusions for Livestock
Reaches Positive Conclusions for Livestock
The Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA) was created in 2017 to institutionalize discussions on agriculture under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). KJWA’s four-year mandate considers the vulnerabilities of agriculture to climate change and approaches to food security, focusing mainly on measures with the potential to provide both adaptation and mitigation of GHGs.
GDP has been active throughout the process, attending meetings, making technical submissions and building strong relationships with country representatives and the Secretariat alike. The final conclusions report contains positive language for livestock, focusing more on the impact of climate change on agriculture rather than agriculture’s impact on climate change. The report also avoids any recommendations on dietary changes as a primary mitigation measure.

KJWA Conclusions Report:
GDP Annual Meeting Features Speakers from
UN Food Systems Summit and IFAD
UN Food Systems Summit and IFAD
GDP held its 15th Annual Meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2021. The virtual meeting, which was conducted twice in order to accommodate a variety of time zones, featured keynote speakers Dr. Agnes Kalibata, UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy on the 2021 Food Systems Summit for the United Nations, and Donal Brown, Associate Vice-President of Programme Management for the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). IFAD is an international financial institution and specialized United Nations agency based in Rome, the UN’s food and agriculture hub.
They joined a strong lineup of presenters who discussed a variety of topics critical to the global dairy sector.
Dairy Sector – A Snapshot

1 billion people strong

600 million people living on farms

400 million additional people are supported by the full time jobs that are created in support of dairy farming

240 million people are employed, directly or indirectly, in the dairy sector

133 million dairy farms