GDP Bulletin September / October 2022
Pathways to Dairy Net Zero to
Have High Profile at COP27
Have High Profile at COP27
Pathways to Dairy Net Zero to Have High Profile at COP27
Pathways to Dairy Net Zero (P2DNZ), the global dairy sector’s climate initiative which has the support of nearly 120 leading organizations and country governments, will be featured prominently throughout the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) COP27. COP27, being held November 6-18, 2022, in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, is the world’s largest climate conference.
P2DNZ will be featured in multiple fora and pavilions throughout the two weeks of the conference, including:
- At an official UNFCCC side event, “The global dairy sector’s climate ambition and progress towards achievement of the Paris Agreement,” co-hosted by GDP, the International Dairy Federation and Uruguay on November 11.
- At a side event for the International Chamber of Commerce, “Climate action progress in the dairy sector” on November 12.
- During an Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture side event, “Climate Smart and Sustainable Dairy Production.” Date TBD.
P2DNZ will focus on three primary objectives at COP27:
- Show the ways the global dairy sector is making progress on climate action, especially in developed markets.
- For developing economies, demonstrate how P2DNZ is working in partnership with the Global Methane Pledge, U.S. Department of State, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Green Climate Fund (GCF) and others to identify 10 emerging dairy countries as “early adopters” of the climate effort. Collectively, these countries represent more than 30% of the sector’s global GHG emissions.
- Report results and key findings from the P2DNZ research work stream, including mitigation options and projected emissions to 2050 based on adoption of those options.
For more information:
New Modeling Research Completed on GWP*
New modeling research confirms that GWP* provides a more accurate evaluation of the global warming impact of methane than does GWP100. However, there are limits to its applicability.
According to the modeling, which was conducted by BC3Research and funded by GDP and a variety of partners, GWP* clearly shows that net zero warming (no additional warming from methane, which is equivalent to stopping carbon dioxide emissions) from cattle can be achieved by 2050 by consistently reducing global cattle methane emissions 0.3% annually (or 9% over the period 2020-2050).
The research indicates GWP* is an excellent planning and forecasting model for identifying appropriate mitigation actions and should be considered an enhancement to GWP100 when assessing mitigation pathways for methane. However, there are limits to its applicability and any potential use as a benchmarking or target-setting instrument at any level less than a global perspective is not appropriate.
For the full briefing on this new modeling research:
GDP Sets November 30
for 2022 Annual Meeting
for 2022 Annual Meeting
GDP Sets November 30 for 2022 Annual Meeting
GDP will conduct its 16th Annual Meeting virtually on Wednesday, Nov. 30. The meeting, which will be conducted twice in order to accommodate a variety of time zones, will feature a strong lineup of presenters who will discuss a variety of topics critical to the global dairy sector.
To register for Session 1:
To register for Session 2:
Dairy Sector – A Snapshot

1 billion people strong

600 million people living on farms

400 million additional people are supported by the full time jobs that are created in support of dairy farming

240 million people are employed, directly or indirectly, in the dairy sector

133 million dairy farms