DSF Drives Global Sustainability Insights

The Dairy Sustainability Framework (DSF) has provided insights for more than 10 years on the sector’s sustainability progress.

The DSF, which is governed by representatives of global and regional dairy sector associations and chaired by GDP, is a monitoring and reporting framework that tracks the aggregated sustainability progress of the global dairy sector. Launched in 2013, it provides a universal platform for the sector to align, quantify and demonstrate the difference the sector is making as a result of a range of sustainability actions. It also provides the ability for organizations to connect and share existing activities, allowing for cross-fertilization of ideas which provides an accelerated solution finding model for common sustainability challenges across the global dairy sector.

The DSF is the result of a global, collaborative project that monitors 11 criteria that cover the three pillars of sustainability – economic, environmental and social. The 11 DSF criteria were established through an international study funded by the dairy sector prior to launch and re-evaluated in 2023 to ensure relevance and focus.

For more information, visit www.dairysustainabilityframework.org.

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DSF Drives Global Sustainability Insights

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