Dairy Shown to Help Prevent Fractures, Falls

Dairy foods have been shown to help reduce fractures and falls when they are added to the daily diet of aged-care residents.

The British Medical Journal published a two-year trial led by the University of Melbourne and Austin Health that included more than 7,000 residents from several dozen elderly care facilities. It was the first study to measure the impact of providing additional calcium and protein through dairy foods on older adults’ risk of fractures and falls.

The study was led by Dr. Sandra Iuliano of the University of Melbourne and Austin Health, who worked with an international team of collaborators. They added dairy foods to the regular diets of aged-care residents. Increasing the intake of dairy foods, which are naturally high in calcium and protein, from about two servings per day to 3.5 per day led to a significant reduction in fractures and falls.

For more information, visit https://www.unimelb.edu.au/newsroom/news/2021/october/new-study-finds-dairy-foods-reduce-fractures-in-aged-care-residents.

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Dairy Shown to Help Prevent Fractures, Falls

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